
Workshops in the Metro: Writing and Photography That Gets Published

If you have the passion to write and want to level up your writing and photography skills, you can learn both from the upcoming workshop – “Writing That Works” and “Photography That Gets Published”. Writing That Works will be conducted by Chelo Banal-Formoso and “Photography That Gets Published” by veteran photographer Mandy Navasero.


Beauty with a cause: LUSH NEW Shampoo bar

LUSH is well-known for its one of a kind bath products. I haven’t tried a lot, but I hit jackpot with Honey, I washed the kids in soap gel. Recently, I was able to try their NEW shampoo bar. Revamped with their campaign, which is embellished in their best-selling shampoo bar with a message #BeCrueltyFree… Continue reading Beauty with a cause: LUSH NEW Shampoo bar